5 Tips to Increasing Conversion on Your Lead Generation Landing Pages

5 Tips to Increasing Conversion on Your Lead Generation Landing Pages

All too often we end up spending more time and money on driving a prospect to a landing page, and not enough effort and focus on what it takes to convert that prospect into a lead. Imagine the increase in sales and revenue your company could attain if you could bump up your conversion rate while keeping to your fixed marketing budget.

Here are 5 handy suggestions for you to employ on your lead generation landing pages right away.

  1. Don’t Talk Too Much – In the digital world attention spans are short. Visitors take less than 10 seconds to determine if they are in the right place. If you can accomplish that first task, you have ten more seconds or so to try to convert them into a lead. If your landing page has paragraph upon paragraph of content in an un-scanable format then you are losing opportunities. Review your content, see where you can trim, reword and reformat into something that gets the point across quickly and in an easily digestible way.
  2. Talk Directly to Your Visitor – The adage that people do business with people is as true today as it’s ever been. Be sure you aren’t speaking to some generic somebody. Knowing clients reach out to you for something is nice, telling me how you will help me is what I’m looking for. Treat me like I am the only one visiting this page, that is was written just for me, and watch me convert in higher numbers.
  3. Solve My Problem – We’ve established that I need to know I’m in the right place within 10 seconds. Now that we have gone past that step in the process, don’t throw your services up all over me. I am here because I have a problem that needs solving. Address it and tell me how we can work together to get that done. And keep that theme going in your calls to action.
  4. Employ Icons – What you say is important, but can be augmented by providing visual cues. Icons will help your prospect travel your landing page while adding subtle context to your content. Ultimately this reduces the amount of time a prospect spends by boosting the comprehension process. These are especially useful in bullet lists.
  5. Use a Two Step Form – Are you battling over how many fields of information you need versus the friction each additional field adds to the conversion process? Try a two step form instead. Gather your critical information on the first step to keep it as short as possible. Then deliver a second page once the first is completed to gather the follow-on information that is helpful. Bonus tip: the mere fact that a prospect fills out the second step tells you they are a more serious lead. Double bonus tip: You can also employ a similar strategy with fields that only show up when prior fields are filled out should you need additional information.


We hope you learned something that will help improve your lead generation programs. Share it with any marketer you think it will help!